Coming soon.... 

J.A.K. AUDIO STAGGER, is a 500 series format, Analog distortion channel strip module, designed around a mixer fader amplifier.

Like in any console channel, it features FX sends with level controls. Inserted in the signal path of these FX Sends, are two distortion circuits, one for each FX send, and finally, the fader with boost.

1. LOCK -A-LEVEL. A preamp/limiter based on the original Level-Loc made by Shure in the late sixties. This limiter features a PAD control, with 10/20 db attenuation selector for Line level signals,  a DISTANCE (Threshold) control, and a RELEASE control, with 3 positions: Fast, Mid and slow. All made with switches. All these controls let you shape the sound you are looking for. Ideal to give "AIR" to overheads, drumloops, guitars, bass...

2. SOFT CLIPPER. With this soft clipper you can go from HARSH to PUNCH, just by moving the SEND potentiometer level. A Really cool feature!!.

3. FADER & BOOST. The inverting fader amplifier, blends the DRY signal, that is always present at the output, with the WET signal from the two SENDS (Lock-a-level & Soft clipper). The BOOST control, adds gain and a bit of grungeling distortion, without being too much harsh.The fader amplifier controls the level of signal sent to the DAW, be it distorted or not, to avoid clipping your converters!!.

The unit also includes in the front panel an Instrument input, that you can select with a switch. This switch changes the input from the rear line level input, to the front panel instrument level input. You can control the gain of the instrument with the BOOST control.

All these features make the J.A.K.AUDIO STAGGER Analog distortion Channel strip a real Swiss knife, for tone and transient shaping.

Right now, the J.A.K.AUDIO STAGGER Analog distortion channel strip, is in audio tests stage. We will inform you when it will be available ASAP!!.

Stay tuned!,

J.A.K. AUDIO 2024

R.R.P. 549 Euros 21% Spanish VAT included


© 2024 J.A.K. AUDIO / Podium Cosmetics, S.L. Santa Cristina D'Aro (Girona) todos los derechos reservados
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