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This is a presentation for an article or a series of articles about Summing Mixers and how they can help to craft a mix giving that "vibe" or sound many people are after.

In the last months and weeks I've been busy redisigning the boards of the summing mixer. After some feedback received through some online forums, I decided to simplify somewhat the design, while keeping the most important features equal. These changes imply simplifying the audio circuitry, saving parts and power consumption. In that sense, I...

On friday 02/07/2021 we tested the Mikrosum Smix32 at Tribal art Recordings, a small studio in Sils, Girona. We made mixes to compare the sound from a Protools mix, and the summing mixer Transformer output. Those raw mixes (not mastered), can be found in the Mikrosum Smix32 product page:

On Past Monday 27/07/2020, Thanks to Marc Piña, owner of the Recording Studio El Local estudi de gravació in Girona (, I had the opportunity to test my Summing mixer design in a big Studio.

¡Hola! Mikrosum participará en el Modular day organizado por el día 09/09/2017 donde mostrará el sumador Mikrosum sus características y sonido.De momento Mikrosum sigue siendo un prototipo sujeto a cambios. El Modular Day4 será una gran ocasión para recibir el "feedback" de los usuarios para afinar el producto final.

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